"Thereford, behold, I will allure her, bring her into the wilderness, and speak kindly to her."

Hosea 2:14

January 31, 2011

Good Morning Girls...oops got a little behind

Got a little bit behind recently on my current study in James that I'm doing through the Good Morning Girls group...oops!! Honestly I did kind of have a few funky days in there where I just kind of wanted to pout and be lazy and just do my own thing instead of going and sitting at Father's feet. Thankfully it's not about how much time I put into my 'quiet times' but my desire just to be with Him.

This week's (S)cripture is James 1:19-20 which reads....

"My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires."

I think the (O)bservation for me is pretty self-explanatory....getting angry quickly and spouting off whatever I feel in the given moment because of my anger does not lead to righteous living!!

I know this is one I can (A)pply more in my own life, especially when it comes to my children. I find myself getting all caught up in emotion, whether it is caused from stress or hormones or a bad day; one little thing can sometimes easily push me over the edge and that's when I later end up having to go back and apologize for the way I just behaved towards them. I want to be an example to my girls of what it looks like to live in such a way that radiates His peace, love, joy, self control, patience, and unconditional love to them.

My (P)rayer this week...with everything else going on, Father help me to be slow to become angry and quick to listen and LOVE my family! Tonight I feel like I really only have that mustard-seed sized faith to offer you, but I am thankful that I can stand upon your promises in your Word. Thank you that you came that I might have life, and life ABUNDANTLY. Amen.

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